3rd PHREB National Conference: Thriving in the New Normal


The 3rd Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) National Conference will be hosted by PHREB, together with the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology, on November 9-10, 2021.

The 1 ½ day event, composed of 5 plenary sessions and 3 parallel sessions, will provide a platform for discussion and interaction among our stakeholders engaged in conducting biomedical and behavioral research on ethics review, intellectual property rights, indigenous peoples, and data privacy.

November 9, 2021 | Click here to register


Research Ethics During the Pandemic:  Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the New Normal Introduction

 Experiences and Lessons from Chile, South Africa, India, and Ghana

PLENARY 2: Previews on the 2022 National Ethical Guidelines for Research

General Revisions, Social Research, and Online Platforms

PLENARY 3: Confronting Issues in Technical and Ethical Review

Parallel Sessions on November 9, 2021 at 2:30 PM

Parallel Session 1: Experiences in Ethical Review and Implementation of Clinical Trials Click here to register
Parallel Session 2: Intellectual Property Rights and Privacy of Indigenous Peoples Click here to register
Parallel Session 3: Clarifying Accreditation Requirements Click here to register

NOVEMBER 10, 2021 | Click here to register

PLENARY 4: COVID Vaccine Research and Ethics

Updates, Ethical Issues, and Implications of COVID-19 Variantes on Research on Vaccines

PLENARY 5: COVID-19 Research and Ethics

WHO Solidarity Clinical Trials, Clinical Trials on Local Herbal Medicine, and Real World Vaccine Effectiveness

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